How to Play


The basic rules are simple.

Draw a circle to stand in.  With your feet planted, toss out a small ball, the bouchon or cochonnet, to a distance of 6 to 10 meters.  It is the target.  Always throw with your feet planted.

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The team who tossed the bouchon, also throws the first boule.  This sets the point distance.

The next team must throw their boules until they are closer, setting a new point distance.  You can get closer by (a) throwing closer (b) knocking the opponents’ boule away or (c) knocking the bouchon away.

Now the other team must throw until they are closer.  If they get closer, then the other team is back up to throw, and so forth, until all the boules have been thrown.


The closest boule scores a point.  If the same team has the second closest boule, then they get a second point, and so on until finally the other team has a boule that is the next closest.

The winning team accumulates thirteen points before the other team. If neither team yet has thirteen points, then the team who scored tosses the bouchon to start another round also called an “end”. Ends are played until one of the teams accumulates thirteen points.  

Holding the other team to zero points is a “fanny.”